Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to see the path and that all along I have had the compass and did not realize it:)
As soon as you have a minute, you’ll do it. Right? Just as soon as everything settles down, you’ll make sense of your life. You’ll figure out how you got to where you are, maybe why you’re there. You’ll be good to yourself, take better care of yourself, understand yourself.
But first you’d love a good night’s sleep. And you’d like to get rid of this constant low-level panic you seem to be living with. “Adulting” is overwhelming enough, but add to it any number of other issues that can affect daily life, and the challenge compounds:
- General anxiety, sadness, or depression
- Parenting concerns
- Grief over the loss of a loved one
- Difficulties in relationships at work, at home, or with friends
- Unresolved past trauma
- Feelings of anxiety, panic, or hopelessness
- Substance abuse: either by you or by someone you love
- A simmering anger and problems controlling it